The summary of communication with Stakeholders for material topics of 2024 are consolidated as following, and disclosed on the official website on December 30th 2024
Supplier and Contractor
Government and Public Agency
Internal communication/meeting discussions: 435 times
Occupational Safety and Health Management Committee meetings: 8 times
Training, dissemination, and announcements: 195 times
ESC Meetings: 20 times
Environmental disinfection: 52 times
Health consultations: 12 timesCommunication Methods and Channels
Topics of Concern
Communication Frequency
Communication Content
- Internal website and electronic communication platform
- Departmental meetings
- Dissemination and announcements
- Physical or online suggestion boxes
- Audits/Visits
- Education and training
- Occupational Safety and Health Management Committee meetings
- Protection of confidential information
- Occupational health and safety
- Climate strategy and energy management
- Technical know-how and support
- Quality and product service
- Business performance and profitability
- Customer service and satisfaction
- Business continuity
- Risk management
- Irregular
- Quarterly
- Monthly
- Weekly
- Annually
- Announced the monthly revenue and cross-year profit comparison analysis each month.
- Held quarterly Occupational Safety and Health Management Committee meetings to review workplace safety, health and environmental management performance, contractor safety and health management, health management and promotion, energy performance monitoring and measurement, and the implementation of management systems.
- Conducted quarterly regulatory compliance audits to ensure alignment with internal and external standards and legal requirements.
- Carried out irregular quality and case advocacy to reduce quality anomalies, optimize operational processes, provide excellent customer service, and achieve client objectives.
- Delivered diverse training programs, such as Business Continuity Planning (BCP), Security Awareness & Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS), Environmental Safety and Health (ESH), and ESG sustainability-related topics. These programs taught employees operational processes, introduced key concepts, and instilled the latest sustainability principles and trends, enabling employees to excel in their fields while gaining valuable new knowledge.
- Conducted annual risk assessments in areas such as occupational safety and health, security, and Business Continuity Management (BCM). Evaluated risks for the year, continuously improved risk management, established KPIs for regular tracking, and mitigated risks.
- Held quarterly Intellectual Property Management Committee meetings to discuss trade secrets and protection measures, update trade secret inventories, and revise confidential documents to align with current conditions.
- Regularly performed environmental sanitation and disinfection, such as pest control and environmental disinfection, to provide a safe and hygienic workplace, reducing the spread of diseases and germ residues.
- Collaborated with medical institutions to offer health consultation services for employees, enhancing their physical and mental well-being and improving work efficiency.
- Convened quarterly labor-management meetings to foster open dialogue between labor and management, strengthen discussions on labor issues, and ensure smooth communication channels for labor relations.
Client meetings: 1,029 times
Client audits/evaluations: 41 times
Client visits: 26 timesCommunication Methods and Channels
Topics of Concern
Communication Frequency
Communication Content
- Audits/Visits
- Dissemination and announcements
- Customer satisfaction survey
- Quality and product service
- Technical know-how and support
- Customer service and satisfaction
- Business continuity
- Risk management
- Protection of confidential information
- Weekly
- Biannually
- Quarterly
- Monthly
- Annually
- Irregular
- Regularly reviewed quality-related incidents and operational metrics with clients, and responded to their requests through discussions and coordination during meetings.
- Conducted monthly and quarterly checks on engineering and project progress and performance to ensure the project goals were achieved.
- Clients conducted CETRAQ evaluations on Ardentec, using a scorecard for assessment, covering multiple criteria such as engineering, quality, delivery, and service.
- Held product review meetings with clients, facilitated two-way communication, and resolved issues promptly, providing the best product testing quality and engineering services to meet client requirements.
- Conducted annual client satisfaction surveys, achieving the annual KPI for client satisfaction.
- Utilized various meetings (QBR, MBR, HBR, quality, ORM) to assess client satisfaction with our services and identify areas for improvement.
- Conducted regular quality audits, addressing audit findings using the 8D model for continuous tracking and improvement, aiming to achieve the PDCA continuous improvement goals.
- In addition to product and service satisfaction, both Ardentec and clients focused on ESG performance, conducting quarterly reviews to assess progress and update corporate ESG initiatives.
- Planned key technical development projects for the company's current or next year, including future new technology development and production quality optimization.
- Adhered to business continuity principles, ensuring that in the event of human or non-human anomalies, emergency disaster notifications were promptly sent to clients via phone or email, providing real-time updates and building trust with clients.
Supplier and Contractor
Contractor Pre-employment Training: 18 times
Supplier Audits: 49 times
On-site Maintenance and Technical Support: 174 timesCommunication Methods and Channels
Topics of Concern
Communication Frequency
Communication Content
- Dissemination and announcements
- Education and training
- Audits/Visits
- Meetings and Daily Communication
- Official Correspondence and Letters
- Business continuity
- Occupational health and safety
- Quality and product service
- Technical know-how and support
- Customer service and satisfaction
- Protection of confidential information
- Climate strategy and energy management
- Monthly
- Annually
- Quarterly
- Irregular
- Semi-annually
- Annually distributed Supplier Social Responsibility and Business Ethics Guidelines to suppliers/contractors, communicated social responsibility and ethical standards, encouraged suppliers/contractors to follow them, and had them sign a commitment letter to indicate their intent to comply with the guidelines.
- Conducted pre-employment training for contractors before they entered the site and ensured they passed relevant exams to enhance the safety of on-site operations.
- External third-party auditors/verification bodies conducted on-site audits related to quality, ESH, safety, GP, and RBA to assist the company in meeting regulatory compliance.
- Suppliers and contractors performed on-site maintenance and provided technical support irregularly, ensuring that parts and equipment operated smoothly and did not affect production.
- Suppliers introduced new technologies and new testing machines (Probers), offering new fixture options for the company to improve process optimization and service possibilities.
Government and Public Agency
Report Submissions: 14
Visits/Inspections: 5Communication Methods and Channels
Topics of Concern
Communication Frequency
Communication Content
- Official Correspondence and Letters
- Audits/Visits
- Business performance and profitability
- Customer service and satisfaction
- Quality and product service
- Climate strategy and energy management
- Business continuity
- Quarterly
- Annually
- Irregular
- Complied with legal requirements and conducted relevant filings in accordance with the law, such as financial reports, technology management fees, building safety inspections, and fire system inspections, to meet compliance standards.
- Conducted inspections under the Known Consignor Regime (KCR) to ensure the security of air cargo shipments.
- Completed the 2023 Sustainability Report submission and filings for greenhouse gas emissions and reduction efforts.
Shareholders' Meeting: 1
Investor Conferences: 4Communication Methods and Channels
Topics of Concern
Communication Frequency
Communication Content
- Shareholders' Meeting
- Investor Conference
- Business performance and profitability
- Annually
- Irregularly
- Held an annual shareholders' meeting to present the 2024 operating performance, providing shareholders with a clear understanding of the company's financial information for the year and achieving the goal of transparent disclosure.
- Held quarterly investor conferences to share updates on the 2024 operations, financial performance, and future outlook with financial institutions, securities managers, and other related parties.
- Established a stakeholder communication section on the ESG website to disclose the annual communication results with stakeholders regularly.
- Published monthly revenue and quarterly financial reports on the official website in a timely manner, providing investors with up-to-date information.