Sustainable Certification Overview
Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) |
Energy Management System (ISO 50001) |
PDCA techniques were employed to conduct energy management and improve energy performance.
GHG Inventory (ISO 14064-1:2018) |
All Ardentec operational sites conduct GHG inventory in accordance with inventory guidance, such as ISO 14064-1:2018 and GHG protocol. The data-based indicators from the inventory results are used to understand the impact and influence of operational activities on the environment and to set GHG reduction strategies.
Inventory completed:
Carbon Footprint Verification (ISO 14067:2018) |
To promote Green Service and Green Manufacturing, testing service carbon footprint verification was conducted according to ISO 14067 standard.
Occupational Safety and Health Management System (ISO 45001) |
Health and safety risk assessments are performed for each operation process to identify possible risks, with audits to timely control risks and achieve continuous improvement goals.